

Geführte Wanderung im Gebiet der Westerwälder Seenplatte


To the ground monument Doppelgbebück

approx. 5,5 km

"Haus am See" at Dreifelder Weiher, Phone: 02662/7147
Camping site Freilingen am Postweiher, Phone: 02666/287
Camping site Hofgut Schönerlen in Steinen, Phone: 02666/207

Hiking tour: Christel Forkmann, Tel.: 02662-2517

We reserve the right to make changes (e.g. due to weather conditions). Appropriate footwear should be a matter of course.
Every participant starts at his own risk!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

Contact and directions

If you decide to use Google Maps, your personal data will be processed by Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google's privacy policy then applies: www.google.com/intl/de_de/help/terms_maps.html Plan arrival