Jochen Malmsheimer
13.12.2019 20:00
Altenkirchen City Hall
Quengelstr. 7, 57610 Altenkirchen, Germany
Jochen Malmsheimer
"Fly fish, read and healthy! or luck, where's your sting?"
We are only guests here. But we were invited! Also this a realization of the Bochumer Kabarettisten Jochen Malmsheimer, which does not play the Deut of a role in its Kabarettprogramm with the quite into the epic dripping title: "Fly fish, read and healthy! or: Happiness, where is your sting?!
The similarities between a good old Gruyere and Jochen Malmsheimer are becoming more and more obvious: Malmsheimer is also becoming more mature, sharper and grumpier. And neither a trip into the blue nor a walk into the green will help, since visits to the zoo have long since lost their calming effect due to the decision of many zoo managers to completely dispense with cage crews for reasons that are not transparent. Also the radio offers no comfort anymore, everybody does what he wants. But what if you're not everyone? What should only become of us when even men age?
Science alone offers consolation. Malmsheimer does this on the basis of the obvious
connection between Egyptian and Lower Saxony cultural history. Until finally the world conspiracy of the books, of which he learns by chance, reveals in a rapid finale the secret of the slogan of "Fly fish, read and healthy ...". Not only the literature is unleashed here, it is Malmsheimer himself. But he knows that all of us, especially in uncertain times, long for a bit of happiness. And so a furious evening ends with a little poem about love. And about happiness. And about a little fish.
And so in the end there is hope.
To love.
And on happiness.
And on fish.
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