For the first time in months, herb tours are taking place on the Waldbreitbach monastery hill. Kordula Honnef, the gardener of the monastery gardens and herbalist, invites you to take part. Of course, the event will take place outdoors in compliance with all hygiene rules. All participants must wear a mask and disinfectant is available. Meeting point is the park bench at car park P1. The car park is signposted. During the joint guided tour through the monastery garden and the orchards, interested people can learn about herbs. Which ones can you eat? How do you handle the herbs? And what healing powers do they possess? Kordula Honnef will answer these questions, among others, during the herb tour. Registration is requested. Meeting place: park bench at car park P1 on the Klosterberg. Bring along: small basket or paper bag. Weatherproof clothing Further information and registration with Kordula Honnef Telephone: 02638 81-1140 or by e-mail:
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Contact and directions
Franziskusweg 1
56588 Waldbreitbach
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