You've never run this route before! 9.5.2024, start time for runners 9.00 am Distances 12, 22, 33 and 51 km Start and finish outdoor pool Rengsdorf, Gebückstraße Participation is only possible if you register by 06.05.24. Online registration is mandatory. The entry fee must be transferred before May 6th as described in the confirmation email. You will receive a wristband at the start, which entitles you to free refreshments. Important: Pre-registration is ONLY necessary for runners. Walkers register on site as usual Entry fee 20 € - price incl. catering - an unbeatable price-performance ratio. Please transfer by 06.05.24 to: See registration confirmation AwardCertificate on request: medal, shower towel, anniversary shirt Food and drink suitable for runners on the way: e.g. water, iso, bananas Please note! There are no more plastic cups on the course. Please either bring your own cup or buy a cheap silicone cup at the start or borrow one for a deposit. Shower and changing facilities at the outdoor pool, information from Thomas Hirsch, Tel. 02634/8872 E-mail Dr. Hanno Schaab, Tel. 0172-6520047
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