The animals celebrate with
In Advent on Saturday, December 7, 2019, the animals will also be remembered - the Forest Christmas of the Animals will then be celebrated.
The animals celebrate Christmas in countless books. We dive into such stories and celebrate a forest Christmas for and with the animals of the forest.
Bonfire, baked apple and more
For this we decorate a Christmas tree for the animals, sing and tell stories at the campfire with a warming drink and baked apples. The event is especially suitable for families with children. The management takes over Dipl.-Biol. Philipp Schiefenhövel.
Tip: Weatherproof clothing and registration are required.
Time and place
Saturday, December 7, 2019, 15 to about 17:30. Meeting point: Parking Fischer Gartenkultur, Am Buch 4 at the intersection of B 8 and L 314 at Hundsangen.
Login and registration
Please remember to register early!
Contact us
Will and Liselott Masgeik Foundation for Nature and Landscape Conservation via nature conservation consultant Dipl.-Biol. Philipp Schiefenhövel
Am Hartenberg 1, 56414 Molsberg
Phone 06435 1368
fax 06435 408425
Translated with
Contact and directions
Ecke Alte Gasse und Schlossstraße
56414 Molsberg