Wochenmarkt in Westerburg

Weekly market in Westerburg
Here you get everything fresh on the table . Flowers , fruits and vegetables , fish, meat , dry goods , etc.
Local vendors are on site .
Wednesdays , 8:00 to 12:00 . Parking in the parking lot at the Hofwiese , then a short walk over the bridge into town

Brief description

Weekly market in Westerburg Here you get everything fresh on the table . Flowers , fruits and vegetables , fish, meat , dry goods , etc. Local vendors are on site . Wednesdays , 8:00 to 12:00 . Parking in the parking lot at the Hofwiese , then a short walk over the bridge into town

Opening hours

in the city Westerburg 8:00 to 12 am

Contact and directions

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Winner Ufer 9
56459 Stahlhofen am Wiesensee