Blick von der evanglischen Kirche auf den Löwenbrunnen und die Fachwerkhäuser rund um den Alten Markt

Places of interest

Find the right sights for your excursion:

Mitarbeiterin der Tourist-Information Hachenburger Westerwald

My favourite place:


The water adventure trail with Rothbach grotto!
A very beautiful circular trail (approx. 12km) with the following stops: Beer Park at the Westerwald Brewery, Kaolingrube Böhmsfund (clay mining), Alpenroder Hütte am Gräbersberg.

The trail also takes me to my favourite place every time, the Rothbach Grotto.

A place of silence that was lovingly built and donated many years ago by volunteers from the town!

Best wishes from the nicest place in the world
