Luftild Alter Markt mit Kirchen und dem Schloss Hachenburg

Group offers

Are you planning a group trip to Hachenburg?

Whether it's a club outing, coach trip or motorbike tour in the Westerwald - our city tours and day trips for groups in Hachenburg make for an exciting group excursion in the Westerwald. 

Nahes Luftbild von katholischer und evangelischer Kirche und dem Schloss am Alten Markt
Luftbild vom Dreifelder Weiher
Das Bild zeigt die Allee gesäumt von Bäumen die auf die Abteikirche zu geht

Discover the Hachenburg Westerwald

This is what your day in the Hachenburg Westerwald can look like:

10:00 a.m.: Guided tour of the medieval lion town of Hachenburg

11:30 a.m.: Lunch in a traditional restaurant (excl.)

14:00 a.m.: Tour of the Westerwald lake district and through Kroppach Switzerland

From 15:00 a.m. optionally bookable:

Visit to the Westerwald Landscape Museum in Hachenburg - an open-air museum of a special kind, which shows you the cultural history of the Westerwald in eight typical buildings of the region (admission for groups 4,- per person)

Visit to the Fürst pottery in Alpenrod, where you can learn about the artisan tradition of pottery making (guided tour 3,- per person)

Visit to Marienstatt Abbey or cake in a cosy café (excl.)

Price: 200,00 € per group (5 hours) with own bus up to 50 persons
          each additional hour: 40,00 € 
Bookable all year round up to 2 weeks before the planned date.
Tours and food/drinks are not included in the price. You are welcome to request menu cards for the various catering establishments from us.

Request here!
Bier trinken mit Freunden im Gasthaus zur Sonne Westerwald Brauerei

Discover Hachenburg

Your day in Hachenburg could look like this:

11:00 a.m.: Brewery tour in the Hachenburg adventure brewery followed by a meal in the ‘Schalander’ brewery pub
14:30: Guided tour of the medieval town of Hachenburg including a small surprise

From 15:30 hrs optionally bookable:

Visit to the Westerwald Landscape Museum - an open-air museum of a special kind, which shows you the cultural history of the Westerwald in eight typical buildings of the region (admission for groups 4,- per pers)
Coffee & cake in a cosy café in Hachenburg or the surrounding area
Bowling centre in Hachenburg from €29.50
Free time at your disposal

Price: €45.00 per person (min. 15 - max. 25 people)
Bookable: all year round (except Sundays); up to 2 weeks before the planned arrival date

The times given are only examples.
You can choose your own times.

Not found the right one?

Hier sieht man den Nachtisch der Schlemmerstadtführung hübsch dekorierter Eierkäs.
Gourmet city tour
Sechs Stadtführer in historischen Gewändern vor katholischen Kirche am Löwenbrunnen
Historical city tour
Luftild Alter Markt mit Kirchen und dem Schloss Hachenburg
Münchhausen meets Hachenburg
Erwachsene sitzen auf einer Treppe Klemmbrettern in der Hand und beantworten sichtbar erheitert die Fragen Stadtrallye
City rallye
Stadtführer spaziert im historischen Gewand mit der Gruppe an den alten Fachwerkhäusern vorbei
Hachenburg city walk